Opportunity Gateway


The Opportunity Gateway is an intensive program for high-potential startups to forge corporate partnerships, work with investors, & pave a clear path to funding.

Ray of Light

Bridging the Gap From Founded to Funded

The Opportunity Gateway is a high-impact mentorship program for high-potential startups that connects them to strategic, focused partnering opportunities and prepares them to maximize the success of potential engagement with industry or venture capital.

Designed to accelerate startup companies located in the Inland Southern California region within the agriculture, life sciences, and climate tech sectors, our program offers a gateway to industry and global market entry by providing unparalleled access to specialized testbeds, expert mentorship, and funding opportunities in one of the region’s most industrialized areas.

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Ray of Light


Corporate Matchmaking For Industry-Ready Startups

Our goal for the Opportunity Gateway is to help startups create meaningful, intentional relationships with our corporate partners and VCOCs within the startup's relevant industry. Our investor-backed team understands the importance of building relationships within the startup space and provides a gateway of valuable connections and introductions to corporate companies that would otherwise be inaccessible to young startups.

Startups that have successfully gone through our custom programs and meet their individualized Statement of Aims are then introduced to industry partners and venture capitalists to discuss potential engagements. These companies will then continue receiving mentorship support until successful industry commitments and involvement are secured.

Opportunity Gateway Pipeline


Ray of Light

How It Works

Step 1: Opportunity Identification

We identify the best candidates based on the needs of our corporate partners and investors.

Startups must align with the specific interests and technological needs of our partners.

Our partners participate in selecting candidates who show promise and potential for engagement.

Focus Areas:
We consider market readiness, innovation stage, and strategic fit with corporate goals.

Step 2: Selection & Preparation

Selected startups receive tailored mentorship and preparation to meet industry and investor expectations.

Custom Programs:
Each startup is assigned a lead mentor from our Investor Strategic Advisory Board (ISAB) and supported by EPIC SBDC senior advisors.

We develop a custom Statement of Aims (SoA) and milestones to ensure readiness.

Regional Support:
For non-local startups, we help establish a presence in Inland SoCal as a gateway to US and global markets.

Step 3: Industry Introductions & Engagement support

Prepared startups are introduced to potential investors and corporate partners.

After meeting the SoA (Statement of Aims), startups are introduced to selected partners to discuss potential engagements.

Continued Support:
Startups receive ongoing mentorship until securing investor and corporate commitments.

Ray of Light

Opportunity Gateway Candidate Admission Criteria

To be considered for the Opportunity Gateway, criteria will include but is not limited to:
  • A Minimum Viable Product
  • Global Scalable Addressable Market and Technology Validation
  • Proprietary, defensible intellectual property
  • Identification of an investor or potential corporate partner
  • Established, vested and motivated team
  • Disruptive business model: quantifiable economic advantage over existing solutions

rise UCR



Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is the process of this program?

    After we receive your application, your company will go through an evaluation process to assess the company’s current status and readiness. If accepted, our mentors will create a prescriptive protocol for your company to increase your odds of compatibility with our corporate partners in your related industry.

  • Do I need to be a US entity?

    The Opportunity Gateway program is open to high-potential startups from around the world, including those based in Southern California and across the United States.

  • How long is this program?

    This is not a one-size-fits-all program – each accepted venture will negotiate an individualized Statement of Aims and sign a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Investor Strategic Advisory Board to successfully achieve agreed upon Aims as a condition for investor and corporate partner introductions.

  • Does my company need to be in a specific industry?

    We are currently focused on industry verticals within the SoCal OASIS™ Areas of Focus:

    • Agriculture Technology and Food Security
    • Community Health and Health Disparity
    • Human Development
    • Natural Resource Management
    • Renewable Energy and Fuels
    • Sustainable Transportation and Infrastructure

    For more information on these verticals, please visit the SoCal OASIS™ website.

  • So this is more focused mentorship than a community cohort/classroom-style program?

    This is not a classroom or workshop-based program. Each accepted venture will meet with an ISAB member investor and assigned, dedicated EPIC SBDC advisors as frequently as is deemed necessary for the team to achieve its agreed upon aims as defined with determined tasks and on time per an established schedule

  • How often do I meet with you?

    Depending on your startup’s needs, you can meet one or multiple times per week. Performance reports will be provided to the Investory Strategic Advisory Board (ISAB) once per month.

  • Is this online or in-person?

    Your initial meeting will be in-person with the Investor Strategic Advisory Board (ISAB), which will go over your Statement of Aims in an in-depth working session. After your unique action plan is created, you will meet with your mentor depending on your schedule and goals.

  • Is funding guaranteed at the end?

    We cannot guarantee funding, but the caliber and credibility of our Investor Strategic Advisory Board (ISAB) and our corporate partners may provide funding opportunities or relationships with investors within the ISAB network. This program is designed to bolster and maximize the potential for the companies to obtain and achieve funding. The program concludes when your unique Statement of Aims is achieved.

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Ray of Light

How to Apply

Startups are admitted into the program on a rolling basis. To apply, please fill out the application below and someone will be in contact with you shortly. For more questions, please email tp@ucr.edu.