About the Hub


The goal of the Inland SoCal Accelerate Hub is to enhance the pipeline and success rate of sustainable, scalable innovation-based ventures.

The Inland SoCal Accelerate Hub is a dynamic initiative designed to unify and bolster the efforts of entrepreneurial support organizations, accelerators, and incubators within the Inland Southern California region. By providing essential resources, we aim to empower high-potential ventures, increasing their likelihood of securing capital, accelerating product development, and establishing a clear path to market.

Connection, Coordination, & Resource Provision: The Inland SoCal Accelerate Hub serves as a nexus, connecting various entrepreneurial entities to foster a cohesive and supportive ecosystem. Additionally, we offer comprehensive support to promising ventures, facilitating their access to necessary resources and expertise to thrive in a competitive market.

Signature Programs: SoCal Opportunity Gateway & SBIR/STTR Resource Center: As one of two cornerstones of our initiative, the Opportunity Gateway Program will deliver an intensive, partner-supported mentoring program. This fast-paced initiative is designed to enhance the capacity of ventures, ensuring they are well-prepared to secure capital and market access.


Our other cornerstone, UCR's SBIR/STTR Resource Center, supports small businesses and UCR faculty in securing federal research and development funds, offering guidance on funding opportunities, proposal development, and commercialization, resulting in a success rate twice the national average and over $24 million in funding for clients.

LEARN MORE ABOUT THE Sbir/sttr resource center 

I-Hub Service Coverage

The Inland Southern California Accelerate Hub (I-HUB) services the entire eastern part of Southern California, from northeast to San Bernardino Valley and southeast to Imperial Valley. Counties include Riverside County, San Bernardino County, Imperial Valley, and Coachella Valley.


Ray of Light

Main Activities of the Hub

Through strategic coordination, resource provision, and focused sectoral initiatives, the Inland SoCal Accelerate Hub is committed to driving sustainable and inclusive growth for Inland Southern California. Using these strategies below, we will collectively develop our vision for an innovation ecosystem in the Inland Southern California region.

I-Hub Activities - 1

Facilitate Access to Capital

We will streamline pathways for innovation-based companies to secure funding and corporate partners, enabling them to scale and succeed.

I-Hub Activities - 2

Amplify Regional Programs and Resources

By supporting regional programs, we aim to attract out-of-region investment & elevate the profile of the Inland Southern California innovation landscape.

I-Hub Activities - 3

Promotion of Entrepreneurial Activities

The Hub will act as a forum to promote and celebrate entrepreneurial activities across the region, fostering a culture of innovation.

I-Hub Activities - 4

Innovation Metrics Report and Newsletter

We will publish a quarterly report and newsletter to track and communicate progress, impact, and emerging trends within the region.